Experienced Primary School teacher of 30 years. Worked across KS1/2.
- child friendly worksheets and resources to cover all areas of the curriculum
- specialise in language and writing
- established child author
- Gold TES Author
- Shortlisted for the Bev Evans Award 2017
Experienced Primary School teacher of 30 years. Worked across KS1/2.
- child friendly worksheets and resources to cover all areas of the curriculum
- specialise in language and writing
- established child author
- Gold TES Author
- Shortlisted for the Bev Evans Award 2017
Suitable for KS1 and KS2
6 workbooks
Descriptive Writing
Pupil Profiles
Target Setting
Likes and dislikes
Getting to know you
Great for Transition Days or Start of the Year
A PDF printable resource in colour and in black and white. Various Story starters linked to Autumn, Hallowe'en, Hibernation, Humans and Weather. Some more difficult than others therefore could be used for differentiation.
I have also included a powerpoint presentation for classroom use. These are all original and created by me a published author.
Key Stage 1/2 15 page booklet to be used for transition day or the start of a new class .
All About Me
My likes and dislikes
My favourite things
My Family's favourite things
Classroom Display Bundle
1.Lower case letters of the alphabet and three drawing worksheets
2.Upper case letters of the alphabet and three drawing worksheets
3.Numbers 1-20 and four writing worksheets
A printable resource in colour and in black and white with various story starts linked to Hallowe'en, Haunted Houses, Ghouls and Ghosts . Some are more difficult than others so this will be a good resource for differentation.
I have also included a powerpoint presentation for classroom use.
Two resources, a powerpoint display for use in the classroom and printable display sheets to be laminated and used for classroom displays.
Numbers 1-10 with Autumn themed pictures
Number Wordsone to ten with Autumn themed pictures
Autumn words Singular and Plural eg leaf leaves for display
A 20 page resource and a powerpoint display based on SPaG statutory requirements introducing question marks, full stops and commas.
Theme Autumn
Display sheets for classroom SPag Noticeboard definitions and useful words to use.
11 question sheets for children to answer, these could be used individually or as a homework workbook.
A great resource for guided reading for KS1/2 and lower KS3. Can be printed out as individual worksheets and as display sheets. Also included is powerpoint presentation.
Fact sheets on J.K.Rowlings life can be printed out and put up on reading board.
Timeline regarding publication of books.
Suggested follow on activities.
A great resource for guided reading and anyone studying Harry Potter.
Edited and corrected.
This is a 3 booklet reading bundle, pdf files with fascinating facts about Roald Dahl, JK Rowling and David Walliams.
Fascinating facts to print out and display on your literacy working wall and literacy activities to use during guided reading.
Time lines showing the years in which various books were published.
Suggestions of writing and drawing follow up activities.
So there is display and ideas for activities this will save all teachers a lot of preparation.
A 16 page workbook for KS1/2.
Writing lists
Design a label for your desk
Acrostic Poem:- School
Healthy packed lunchbox:- List the items
Quiz:- What am I?
What I see in school :-drawing activity
I'm a Star because....
My Senses
Question and Answer Tasks, when,how, what,tell me, name
I have also included a powerpoint presentation for classroom use
3 short stories about animals. Children will read the stories and answer simple questions related to mindset and talents.
Suitable for Key Stage 1.
I have also incuded a presentation for classroom use which would be good for talking and listening or discussion work.
32 worksheets on Autumn colours, green, brown, red, yellow, orange and purple to help with spelling, recognition and sentence construction. Suitable for EYFS and KS1.
I have duplicated the slides with and without the colour words. There are also sentences relating to Autumn and the children’s own lives where colour words are missing. A wordbank is also included. A great differentiated resource.
Looking for Mindset stories for PSHE? This original set of three stories written by me is a great 26 page resource. It consists of three very different animal stories. Each story has an element of being unable to do well in a particular thing. There are question sheets to discuss or writwe answers to. The stories can be read to the children as a talking and listening lesson or can be printed out to use with three different groups to read and discuss.
The animals are Marley the monkey who can't swing, Benjamin Bunny who can't hop and Freda Flatfish who has a talent she didn't know about. Very suitable for EYFS and KS1.
This resource is a workbook of 30 pages with writing and drawing activities to use alongside the reading of EB White's Charlotte's Web.
It is suitable for Upper Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
It can be printed in black and white as individual sheets or as a workbook for the entire class.
It includes writing diary entries, character profiles, descriptions, newspaper articles, persuausive writing, letters and poems.
There are also a few comprehension questions, vocabulary tasks and internet research tasks.
Design a poster and draw the characters you liked.
A set of workbooks to celebrate 100 years of Roald Dahl's fabulous literature.
Workbook 1 Roald Dahl fantastic facts
Workbook 2 BFG workbook writing and drawing tasks
Workbook 3 A set of book reviews
Workbook 4 a fun quiz on all Dahl books
A great SpaG Resource which I have produced in colour and in black and white. I have also included a powerpoint presentation for classroom use, this could be used by the teacher to model writing.
There is a set of instructions.
Includes: choose a character, a setting, a time, a characteristic, an event, an object, a verb, an adjective and an adverb. The children will pick one from each card and create their own sentences or perhaps a short story.
This will also be a useful tool during guided reading time as it can be used with groups. also super for differentation.
The final page is a SPag Tick List.
This is a 16 page history and literacy based workbook for all levels in KS2 and perhaps Upper KS1. There are fact sheets and various writing activities for high achievers and low achievers. The pdf file can be printed out as a single booklet or as individual worksheets I have also included a Powerpoint presentation.
This resource includes:-
Fact Sheets
Comprehension Questions
Nouns and verbs
Another word for
An internet research sheet
Create a newspaper article
Poetry writing
Narrative writing
Descriptive writing
Design a comic strip.
Great for differentation or composite classes
This is suitable for KS1 and Lower KS2 or SEN children. Great for differentiation and can be adapted for individuals. The 30 page booklet consists of 15 colour sheets and 15 duplicated black and white sheets. I have also included the Powerpoint presentation.
The following are included:-
Writing sentences
Descriptive writing
Poetry…original text
Story…original text with comprehension questions and the children are then asked to finish the story
Singular and plural
Writing lists
Writing an acrostic poem
Spelling activity…unscramble Christmas words
Writing instructions
Brainstorming winter words